Moses, Sinners and the Ten commandments.


When Moses thundered down Mount Sinai hurling his Ten Commandments (cast in stone) at all sinners, I was glued to my seat. I already, at age sixteen, was a severe repeat sinner, despite or because my mother’s warning years earlier to keep my hands above the blankets. Curiosity got the better of me.

What better to keep hands warm during icy winters than between your own legs and underneath the blankets? Of course, with a newly discovered and voluptuous Mrs Hormonal Rage knocking on boys teen years, one would have to be of the ascetics’, sitting inside a mountain cave contemplating the beauty of other ‘nothingness.’ genre, to resist what came naturally. I was not. A tug every-now-and then, et voila, the rest is history. I became a terrific and very enthusiastic sinner.

I think it might have been in Burwood’s Emperor cinema here in Australia in the form of the magic of Paramount Pictures’ 1956 widescreen VistaVision Biblical epic The Ten Commandments of Charles Heston. I crushed all my crisp chips in it’s bag from sheer nervous excitement. So did many others. Boy, did the sinners take a beating? Was I already then getting a free ride in atonement by vicariously enjoying others being punished but not me? I remained Scot free, despite all my sinning. I, feverously became all woozy having paid for my ticket to the ‘Emperor Cinema’ and watching in a quasi religious indignant torpor the ‘real sinners’ getting their heads sliced off. Yet, I stayed alive! Were my sins not real? So much for church religion.

There is nothing more invigorating and cleansing than watching others getting punished, especially on the big screen. I remember earlier on, watching many episodes of Rin Tin Tin whereby in nail biting fashion someone always would cop the arrow or bullet. Later on came cowboy movies. Again the baddies got a knocking even if it meant that the goodies kept appearing being chased around the same set of rocks. Who cares? The cinema was roaring with the caddie and his tray doing a roaring trade as well.

I know now that for sheer excitement, those early big screen movies were tops. Often, there were two movies for the price of one. I’ll never forget at some cinemas a Hammond organ rising majestically up from below the bowels of the cinema. A smiling man dressed not unlike Liberace (squishing atop a wedding cake) would then set the mood with a slow Strauss waltz or something from Rodger’s and Hammerstein. It became an apparition as real, as religious, as worthwhile and as good as a Moses running down the mountain even without the ten commandments…

I decided then and there to watch proceedings in the world of love and sex for a while, slowly my conscience and awareness became sceptical of mortal sin and eternal hell-fire, especially later on with my hands tucked between thighs and legs not my own. What a revelation. It has never ceased to amaze.

It was all so terrific.

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17 Responses to “Moses, Sinners and the Ten commandments.”

  1. Lottie Nevin Says:

    A revelation indeed! Beautiful piece of music too – by the way, did you know that the Cockney Rhyming slang for being pissed (drunk) is Brahms and Liszt? Just another useless factoid from your fan in Spain – I won’t bother you with anymore Heidegger! 😉


  2. gerard oosterman Says:

    Glad you enjoyed the revelation. I always thought being pissed was doing a ‘stained glass window’ piece of art. A reference to Barry Humphries spiel on vomiting while by mistake (being drunk) winding the taxi window up. Not a very nice projection.
    Yes, the Heidegger was funny. Almost a kind of magic realism.


  3. Andrew Says:

    I can sing the entire Philosphers Song but I won’t bore you 🙂 Here’s a link instead:


  4. rod Says:

    With respect to keeping your hands warm in winter, and I’m going from memory here, I can’t remember a commandment against this.
    Plainly Moses was sleeping on the job.

    As for the camels in Genesis . . .


    • gerard oosterman Says:

      I think that commandment was added on as an addendum to nr 10.

      Remember;thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any Camel thing that is thy neighbour’s.

      Thou shall forever not touch that which giveth warmth and comfortheth thee under thy blankets.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Tolga Says:

    I said it before Gerard. Mr Morrison is mentally ill, a nasty piece of work and he is full of hatred. The man needs psychological treatment. He was very lucky when I was providing free sessions to him out of the goodness of my heart. Now that he is footloose at the paddock and grazing again the others love him. Strange! Anyway, I adjusted John’s attitude at David Hetherington article. Peace.


  6. Tolga Says:

    I posted a comment to congratulate Emmjay at “Climbing Aboard the Orient Expression” but to no avail. (I used my drum moniker) I am not allowed to go inside!


  7. gerard oosterman Says:

    Since last week Emmjay has had trouble posting articles. \he tried to prevent others from deleting posts at will. He has also in the process deleted my ability to pass responses or edit them. I would e-mail him or better still, wait till he notices your response in the Word-press queue and then hopefully, pass it.


  8. hilarycustancegreen Says:

    With you on this, but aesthetics…ascetics? Love the Liszt and crazy about the Philosopher’s song.


    • gerard oosterman Says:

      You know Hilary, I felt the word was wrong and looked in the dictionary for the appropriate word but gave up but feeling ill at ease. I knew there was another word.Thank you for your editing. I’ll change it!


  9. Tolga Says:

    Thanks, Gerard.


  10. auntyuta Says:

    Franz Liszt: Liebestraum cello and piano: Beautiful!


  11. paul walter Says:

    That is an excellent piece of writing, Gerard.


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