The dying swan!

With Christmas Day over and unruly hordes invading the shopping malls looking for specials I thought I would remain with the Pavlova for a-while. ‘How was your Christmas day and how was the pavlova?’  This would have been a question thousands of times repeated around the suburban landscapes of Australia. I thought of giving you a photo of our pavlova. As written before, the pavlova base was a commercial one from Aldi. I found two trolleys with their two dollars still in its little pockets. It was a good omen. People’s need for frugal shopping seems to go overboard at Christmas time when the deposited coins on the trolleys are so recklessly abandoned.

Here the Oosterman pavlova.

IMG_0228 the Pavlova 2018

As I wrote before, our daughter thought the cream should have been a but more fluffy. It did not matter because the cream got covered up. One less sin to worry about. I like cooking rather roughly and am the last one to follow a recipe to the last letter or exact gram. Not that whipping cream involves much cooking.

The prawns have been eaten but Helvi was most annoyed with my suggestion of leaving the shells in the letter box of the cyclamen thief. She said; “you are just as bad as the woman cyclamen thief, and… worse, to contemplate such an evil act on the day of Christmas when the new borne Jesus was in its little crib being warmed by Mary and a kind ox’s steamy breath.” This, she followed up by; “And you are a Catholic as well!”  Helvi stated,”We  Lutherans live by our main credo and that is to be good, and not just PRETEND.”  That hurt!

I answered, “if I put the redolent prawn shells in the letter box and then ask for forgiveness afterwards, would that be OK?  I was always forgiven before, especially if I did a good repenting and a couple of Holy Marys.” Helvi just ignored this. My guilt went into automatic. I am not going to do anything with the prawn shells now. Mind you, the cyclamen thief gave us  really hell apart from stealing cyclamen. Not all old ladies are benign and kind.

The platter the pavlova is resting on is part of a ceramic colection given to us by a very good friend dating back when our children were small, and together with other couples  used to babysit each other.  It was known as the Balmain Babysitting club. It had some kind of point system to keep balance on the hours we sat in each others houses. They were great times.

But now for the real Pavlova. It brought tear to my eyes, the beauty of this dance.


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29 Responses to “The dying swan!”

  1. freefall852 Says:

    It is said that the perfect dessert or sweet should be as light as yet linger on the memory longer than………a kiss!

    Liked by 2 people

    • gerard oosterman Says:

      That is a amazing, Jo. I fondly remember my first kiss given by Margo when I was 14. She took the initiative. I lived off it for years, especially after we moved to Australia where a boy was supposed to be rough and ready and treat girls with disdain.


  2. leggypeggy Says:

    Such a beautiful dance.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. shoreacres Says:

    We need an inventory of those fruits, Gerard. I can tell what seem to be blueberries and raspberries, but I’m unsure about the rest. Mango and pineapple, perhaps? And what are those tiny green things? They look to me like capers, but even with my vivid imagination I can’t imagine capers on a Pavlova. Inquiring minds want to know!

    Liked by 1 person

    • gerard oosterman Says:

      It is the Passion fruit or Kiwi fruit, Linda. A very good fruit full of nutrients and low in carbo hydrates. Jo is right, and one can eat the seeds. Easy to grow as well, except here where the frost in winter would not be helpful.
      The pavlova in our household did have strawberries and mangoes as well as raspberries and of course to give a contrast the blueberry.
      The commercial blueberry grown here and sold in shops have nothing like the taste the wild blueberries in Finland have. Helvi and I used to walk the wild forests looking for berries which grow in abundance.
      The short summers in Finland are used to stock up on berries which are preserved and eaten during the long dark winters. One reason that Scandinavians do not suffer from Vit D deficiencies.
      I was amazed to hear that in sunny Australia many suffer from Vitamin D shortage.

      Liked by 2 people

      • shoreacres Says:

        In my Swedish grandparents’ home, it was lingonberries that were cherished. They weren’t native to Iowa, but one state north, in Minnesota, they were available. They were a holiday treat, rather than standard table fare, but they were delicious. Sometimes, they were part of a fruit soup, too. Very good!

        Liked by 2 people

      • freefall852 Says:

        ” I was amazed to hear that in sunny Australia many suffer from Vitamin D shortage.”
        If I recall my Darwin years back in the seventies..therewas an effort to correct certain vitamin deficiencies brought about by the consumption of so much beer…I believe the authorities responsible for such things made it mandatory for the brewers to include dissolved vitaming in the canned beer…hence the three most popular designated coloured; The “white can”(Carlton Draugh) contained dissolved calcium, the “green can”(Victoria Bitter) contained vitamins ;A, B, ans D….while the “blue can”(Fosters Lager) had a supplement of “pick-me-ups” to cheer a fellah up when guessed it…blue!

        The “yellow can”(Four X) was just a spelling mistake waiting to be corrected by the Queenslanders!

        Liked by 1 person

      • gerard oosterman Says:

        I always though the vitamins were added to the devon, Jo. Or am I mistaken and it was the Vegemite?
        I wonder if vintners are adding anything to Shiraz? It does pick me up and not a brewers droop in sight.(last time I looked)


  4. freefall852 Says:

    shoreacres…those tiny green things would be, I imagine..the seeds of passionfruit…

    Liked by 1 person

  5. auntyuta Says:,g_1:kiwi:edKwCh1VF8g%3D&usg=AI4_-kToqebcRAKfQ5Z4Mn6u_GSjewn0YQ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiXto3Wp7_fAhVZaCsKHXiYCnIQ4lYIJygA&biw=875&bih=377&dpr=1.56#imgrc=-KU2HC_nKB7IQM:

    I looked at pavlova desserts and found they looked very interesting, especially the kiwi ones! I hope the above link works . . .

    Liked by 1 person

  6. rangewriter Says:

    Have I mentioned that I love your sense of humor? May the new year bring many more chuckles.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. doesitevenmatter3 Says:

    You always make me snort-laugh! 😀 “One less sin to worry about.”
    Your platter is lovely and your pavlova looks delicious! 🙂
    The vid/dance brought tears to my eyes, too.
    (((HUGS))) to you, Helvi, and PATS to Milo! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Curt Mekemson Says:

    With all of those scrumptious ingredients, Gerard, I assume that making Pavlova keeps you on your toes. Don’t remember my first kiss, but I remember my first French kiss. It was given to me by a Dutch girl who was an exchange student at our high school. Oo la la. 🙂 –Curt

    Liked by 1 person

    • gerard oosterman Says:

      Yes, Curt. First kiss, French or otherwise, is remembered like nothing else. The awakening of sexual attraction.
      Of course, after the passing of many years, a sneaky suspicion walks in and one sometimes wonders; is this what has driven us, and what comes now?


  9. Forestwood Says:

    We ran the gauntlet this year and refused to have pavlova. I didn’t even have the traditional Scandinavian rice pudding. Thank goodness you kept us the Aussie tradition! The kiwis will complain, I guess!


  10. Christine Says:

    I hope the year ahead is a good one for you, Gerard

    Your anecdotes make me smile. That one downaways – about your dog ‘depositing’ out on the street.
    Even though I don’t know you, I can just picture you,
    looking cute
    and saying … “I didn’t do it”


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