Blue flower.


IMG_0095A Star

This pretty blue flower is from a bulb. We bought a packet of mixed bulbs a few years ago and planted them in a dish. Without fail, they reward us each spring. They pop up mid-winter. Nothing happens much except for grass-like greenery to spill over the edges. Come mid August and the first flower arrives and delights us no end. It came by stealth during the night in full moon’s light. It wasn’t there the day before!

Perhaps it is a snow-flower or star flower. My father used to delight in a small plant that he grew indoors when still living in The Hague, Holland. I can still see him peering at it. It was called, ‘Star of Bethlehem’. The apartment we lived in was on the third floor and had no garden. Dad made an indoor garden and the lounge room had many plants growing on all the window sills. It delighted dad no end. His greatest triumph was the Clivia flowering. We all had to admire the Clivia when it flowered. Mum made sure we did!

The delights of growing things doesn’t really need to be on a grand scale. The single blue flower above gives its beauty so generously. From now on we will look at this modest flower each day. I am sure more little blue flowers will arrive soon as well.

The sun is getting stronger but rain is needed.


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19 Responses to “Blue flower.”

  1. janesmudgeegarden Says:

    Hi Gerard, perhaps not surprisingly I posted this flower on my blog yesterday as it’s flowering here too. I put in a few bulbs a couple of years ago and it has multiplied vigorously. It’s such neat little harbinger of Spring and I’m glad to see it.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. petspeopleandlife Says:

    It really is a dainty little blue flower and no matter the size or how or when any plant blooms they are there for us to cultivate and to admire. It is extra lovely since it blooms in Winter there. I don’t have a clue to what its name might be, none the less its beauty shines in its purest form.

    Your father was a smart man to grow an indoor garden to be admired by all. Actually the garden might have been good for the health of the family since living plants, I think, have been proven to be an air purifier.

    I always enjoy your posts about the flowers that you and Hevi are growing in your garden.

    Liked by 2 people

    • gerard oosterman Says:

      Yes, living plants inside improves the quality of the oxygen. The much loved and easy to grow Spathiphyllum or Madonna lily is supposed to be the best in giving good indoor air quality. They also give large gracefull flowers almost all year around.

      At the moment the outdoor Cootamundra wattle is flowering everywhere. It is not liked by people suffering from asthma.
      Helvi is really wedded to her gardening. She has a knack of making and grouping plants together is a most creative manner.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Forestwood Says:

    Gardens are so therapeutic!

    Liked by 2 people

    • gerard oosterman Says:

      In Scandinavia and perhaps other countries as well, the places of detention and incarceration get the inhabitants to grow gardens.
      It helps in rehabilitation a lot better than brutalising them as they do in most jails. You are right; it is therapeutic.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Forestwood Says:

        I wonder if growing something either beautiful or edible changes the perspective of the prisoners. I believe we have a couple of low security jails where the inmates garden. Mainly for offences like drunk drivers.


  4. Julia Lund Says:

    “The sun is getting stronger but rain is needed.” There’s a whole life lesson in this post, Gerard. Profound and lovely.

    Liked by 1 person

    • gerard oosterman Says:

      A bad drought has outback Australia in a firm grip. We need rain and farmers are suffering.
      Thank you for your kind encouragement, Julia.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Julia Lund Says:

        This summer has been unusually dry in the UK. In some areas, farmers are feeding their stock from winter supplies, and everything is out of whack. In India, as of the news last night, 800 000 now homeless due to floods. But then there are those who say it’s nothing to do with climate change.


  5. Julia Lund Says:

    Reblogged this on Julia Lund and commented:
    “The sun is getting stronger but rain is needed.” There’s a whole life lesson in this post. Profound and lovely.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. shoreacres Says:

    It’s interesting to me that one of our earliest spring bloomers is called blue-eyed grass. It looks much like your pretty blue flower, and like this one, it comes from a bulb. Despite being called a grass, it isn’t; I suppose the narrow, grass-like leaves gave it the name.

    It is wonderful to watch the progression of the seasons made visible in the life of plants. I read that many are triggered into dormancy or bloom not by temperature but by hours of daylight. So, it won’t be long until some of our autumn flowers begin to put on a show, because the days are becoming noticeably shorter. I used to see the sun set from my desk. Now, I have to get up and walk to another window to see it; it’s moved to the south nearly thirty degrees.

    I think most of us are looking forward to fall as eagerly as you’re anticipating spring. We like change, we humans!

    Liked by 2 people

    • gerard oosterman Says:

      We now have an extra hour of sunlight, Linda. I think you are right. Nature responds to more sun in spring and the opposite in autumn.

      Even though these last few days have been the coldest, the garden seems to ignore this (temporary) hiatus and is keen to respond in giving fresh growth and some early flowers. The hyacinths have already finished their flowering but the daffodils and jonquils are now sprinting ahead. Exciting times.

      This morning was 1C and the dew on the roof was frozen and so was the water in the bird bath.

      Our next door neighbours have gone to organize the yearly Writer’s festival in Canberra and I now feed their chickens and cat.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. kaytisweetlandrasmussen83 Says:

    A small dish of beauty can bring such joy. During the war I worked with Navy burn victims at Oakknoll Hospital. We made dish gardens and the boys watched with anticipation to see them grow and bloom. They vied for being the first to see their flowers. Heart warming. It’s a sign of renewed life.

    Liked by 3 people

  8. doesitevenmatter3 Says:

    What a beautiful flower! Yes, more will arrive soon. Hope you get some rain soon, too. And hope the sun shares nicely with the rain. We all need both in our lives. 🙂
    Plants make our lives happier. I can’t imagine life without them
    HUGS!!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. auntyuta Says:

    The past few days we had some rain here in Dapto that was very welcome indeed. I love the smell of the earth under our big trees when it has rained a bit! 🙂

    Our little garden is crying out for some tlc. If only I had a little bit more energy. Would be so nice to see some spring flowers very soon! Sometimes we are lucky and some colourful plants appear all of a sudden without us even have planted any! 🙂


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