A sigh of relief or is there more to come?


Getting up early is a habit that I indulge in each morning. Around 6.30 am the kettle is put on. The kettle is made of stainless steel, has a whistle and its water is boiled on gas. It is almost the first sound that is heard in this household every morning. The silver crested cockatoos are usually the first at that lovely honeyed twilight betwixt dark night and morn’s light.

It’s been three weeks now since I had my morning’s coffee. I swapped over to tea instead.  Helvi still insists on her first drink to be coffee. Making both coffee and tea each morning is a rather nice change from the earlier solo beverage routine. This morning was special. France had voted.

Anxiety always follows me in a symbiotic relationship. I am sure things would just not be the same if all went smooth.  That was one reason I jumped out of bed with a bit more than the usual sprightliness this morning. Watching last night’s news with Le Pen and its right-wing antics had me all keyed up. Last time I felt similar pangs of fear was during the Dutch elections when Geert Wilders was in the running. I felt most ebullient when he was dealt a mortal blow. But…France seemed a different kettle of poisson.

What joy, what relief greeted me opening ABC’s news. Marine le Pen was second. The other main parties will now back the Emmanuel Macron who came in first getting 24% of the vote. The new wonder boy is likened to Canada’s Trudeau. He is on the right  side of politics but in a refreshing twist is actually promising an increase in welfare.


Just cop this!

“he is “neither right nor left” and that he advocates “a collective solidarity”

And what really attracts me is the following;

“In his book Revolution, published in November 2016, Macron presents himself as both a “leftist” and a “liberal … if by liberalism one means trust in man.”[39] With his party En Marche!, Macron’s stated aim is to transcend the left–right divide in a manner similar to François Bayrou or Jacques Chaban-Delmas, asserting that “the real divide in our country … is between progressives and conservatives”. With the launch of his independent candidacy and his use of anti-establishment rhetoric, Macron has been labelled a “populist” by some observers, notably Manuel Valls, but Macron rejects this term.”[40][41]

France does not suffer from the Westminster political system,  wherein any change is almost impossible to achieve seeing the aim of the British system is to forever try and knock the opposition out by endless warring and shouting from a chair high up ‘order- order.’

With the German right wing in retreat the world is again showing signs that xenophobia and fear of the foreign might be fading. I don’t know how we in Australia will go. At least this government is also getting on the nose, and I don’t think Pauline Hanson is making much headway anymore either.

I feel so much better now, and might even have a coffee again.

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19 Responses to “A sigh of relief or is there more to come?”

  1. Therese Trouserzoff Says:

    I agree the war between left and right isn’t the main game anymore.

    But I’m not so sure the battle is between progressives and conservatives. Even true conservatives are progressive – conserving prime farming land in the face of frackwits is surely progressive.

    No, the war is between fair-minded rationalists and completely troppo bonkers reactionaries from all walks of life.

    Hard to win hearts and minds from bozos lacking both.

    Liked by 6 people

  2. gerard oosterman Says:

    Couldn’t have put it more succinct, ThereseTrouserzoff.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. leggypeggy Says:

    Reassuring news.

    Liked by 1 person

    • gerard oosterman Says:

      The good news keeps on coming, Peggy. An obesity clinic is now finally opening in Western Sydney.
      If nothing gets done, the financial costs will outdo the costs of the submarines, border control, and the wars in Syria and Iraq together.
      60% of people in some areas of Western Sydney are now obese.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Forestwoodfolkart Says:

    Politics in Europe is about to become more interesting. I do like the sound of this man if he has a social conscience, something missing from our own parliamentary ranks atm.

    Liked by 4 people

    • gerard oosterman Says:

      We shall see The idea of Le Pen jigging around the stage really depressed me. I have enough to do getting rid of all those loud IPhone messages from people I never heard of. Most of them are how some picture has changed on Facebook.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. jennypellett Says:

    I like that he comes to this fresh, no political skeletons in the armoire. Good on him I say. And meanwhile here in good old Blighty, we gear up for yet another general election where we’ll end up voting for the least obnoxious option.

    Liked by 1 person

    • gerard oosterman Says:

      Yes, I fear too that ole England is in for some torrid times. But, a consolation is that life goes on. I feel guilty writing that. It seems such an easy thing to say. The nostalgia to yearn for something that has gone is such a fickle and dangerous but seductive notion.
      They say it is best to deal with the now. It is all we have got. Easier said than done. Miracles don’t happen except in the past.


  6. stuartbramhall Says:

    New Zealand used to be run by an investment banker like Macron – it nearly brought this country to its knees as he stripped its assets – allowing his mates to sell off homes, farms, companies and state owned power companies to overseas owners. Poor France.

    Globalist/EU lackey Emmanuel Macron

    Liked by 1 person

    • gerard oosterman Says:

      I read the link Stuart, and immediately needed another tea hit. I hope Macron isn’t a Trump clone. Surely not. The French are not stupid, but the one constants in most lives are disappointments. Like a dog waiting for its dead master to return, we keep on expecting goodness to prevail and that good people will lead us to better things.
      But what is ‘good?’
      The alternative of a Le Pen whipping up xenophobia would be catastrophic. Can one imagine that?


  7. hilarycustancegreen Says:

    And the Chagall is very pretty too.

    Liked by 2 people

    • gerard oosterman Says:

      Yes, Hilary. That’s what we should cling to. An art led revolution is the only way. How sad we never hear politicians using art to beckon voters to follow their party. The artist party. Sad, considering the French lived for art.

      In Australia, most politicians assiduously avoid being seen in art galleries or having a book in their hands in case they put off the voters. Instead they are filmed in front of sub-marines, computerized sewer installations or in war zones.

      Many flock to the ‘One Nation Party’ fish&chips madam of Pauline Hanson who also uses the anti foreign and anti refugee stance.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Robert Matthew Goldstein Says:

    I was also happy to read about Le Pen’s loss because Donald Trump would have used a Le Pen win as a propaganda coup.

    Let’s hope that the United States is strong enough to rid itself of the parasites that currently infect our government.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Master of Something Yet Says:

    It is a relief to know that not all the world has gone stark raving mad.

    Liked by 2 people

    • gerard oosterman Says:

      Well, there still is time! The North Korea is itching for annihilation dragging the rest in with it.

      But let’s at least rejoice that Le Pen’s force is now hopefully waning. Intolerance is never good but is often used to bind the oppressed and poor into acting foolishly.

      Just let’s see but I have faith in France moving into making for a better world.

      Liked by 2 people

  10. gerard oosterman Says:

    Welcome Robert Matthew Goldstein.
    I can’t see how the most unpopular President in the US can stay the course. He is truly dangerous and unhinged.

    Of course, one could say that of many of our own Australian leaders as well.
    People that want permanent citizenship now in Australia have to go through some tests to prove they adore Australian values. When it is asked what they are it turns out to be the same values that are global.

    We are becoming more and more citizens of the world and that is what should bind us in peace and harmony. It is the only way to move forward.

    Nationalistic values are just silly. What is a unique Australian value? A meat pie or brown vegemite? Who knows!

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Curt Mekemson Says:

    I’m with Hilary in liking the Chagall, Gerard. As for the extreme right wing, we can only hope that a calmer, more rational world will prevail. I join you in your hope while still listening for the boots goose stepping up our driveway. –Curt

    Liked by 2 people

    • gerard oosterman Says:

      Chagall is one of my most loved artist. Those dreamy images so wonderful and imaginative. The happy floating bride is one that must have sustained him during his life, and given the whole world something to cling to as well.
      I hope North Korea will stick to sanity but from their point of view might also resent being surrounded by those that have an arsenal of atomic weapons that could kill all on earth many times over.
      Not only that, atomic weapons were used on civilians back in 1945.


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