The art of being ‘easy going’ is understood by male kangaroo.

The old boy at rest.

The old boy at rest.

We noticed the familiar sight of kangaroo droppings walking around the bush on our way to the beach. They are shaped almost square. The wombat’s dropping too are square shaped. It makes one wonder. Nature is so surprising. I doubt they have square shaped bums but the question does crop up. Both animals are vegetarians so there is nothing unappetising about the droppings of those Australian native animals.

We have different habits of observation. While Helvi scans the tree tops or heavens, my sight is mainly downwards. It often matches my mood. Hence the discovery of animal droppings, if nothing else. In cities it has paid off handsomely by finding money, mainly coins. One of my grandsons has the same gene.

When around six years old or so, Max used to crawl on shop floors to look underneath soft drink or chocolate and chips automat dispensers finding money to supplement his pocket money. I encouraged him as much as possible. He has now progressed in buying bulk six packs of small soft drink cans from Aldi and selling them each at his school at a hundred percent profit. The only draw-back is that his schoolbag is now loaded by soft drinks more than schoolbooks.

As we wandered through this lovely Bendalong national park I nearly stumbled on this large kangaroo. His colouring was so in tune with the surroundings. A perfect camouflage between beast and bush. As you can see, he is large. Like the lorikeets, he seemed at ease with humans. He did not jump up and make a run for it. Kangaroos are normally very alert to humans and leave us well alone. Good reason too. Many a kangaroo has met his end by men fired bullets. The news must have got around that people here are nature bound. Hence the relaxed pose by this huge male kangaroo. One almost expect him to light up a ciggie or perhaps read a good Tolstoy,(Anna Karenina, Book one.)

Another reason for this relaxed pose was the presence of a mob of smaller females a bit further on. A couple of females had the feet of gangly joeys sticking out of their pouches. They were his wives. It is not easy to become a good husband to kangaroos. Males put up fearful fights with other males to win the honour of gaining the love and attention of females. He had obviously won this battle, been very busy, and was now simply having a restorative post-coital nap in the shade of the eucalypts.

It is not easy for males.

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23 Responses to “The art of being ‘easy going’ is understood by male kangaroo.”

  1. happy go lucky Says:

    Great words on the beaut nature at this campsite. Love lines on Max’s entrapenuerial skills.

    Liked by 1 person

    • gerard oosterman Says:

      Thanks HGLucky,

      Yes, animals get on better with humans than vice versa.

      The two French tourists that died almost at the same time while diving at the Great barrier Reef might most likely have been stung by the most poisonous sea creature on earth, the Australian box jellyfish, and not have died of heart attacks. To have two people die within minutes of each other of heart attacks seem improbable..

      Shark attacks are also on the rise. Swimmers beware.


  2. Lonia Scholvinck Says:

    Great writing!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. rod Says:

    Keeping your eye on the ground means you are, as they say, grounded. You and Helvi together clearly cover all the angles!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. shoreacres Says:

    I loved the image of Max prospecting for loose change. Back in the day, when coin telephones still were around, I couldn’t help myself. Every time I saw one, I’d check it out for coins left in the return. Now, there’s nothing to check but vending machines, and I rarely see one.

    That kangaroo is a hoot. There’s something about seeing large animals taking their ease that makes me smile. Cows, bison, elephants — and kangaroos! — do kick back from time to time, and it’s fun to watch them.


  5. happy go lucky Says:

    The box jellyfish theory is now in doubt. In any case it’s sting could maybe affect the heart ?! I am amazed how advanced this creature is. It has tens of eyes, can detect gravety, actively hunts its prey, icl small fish, can travel faster than any other jellyfish and can have tentacles 3 metres long. They are also widespread from the Atlantic to New Zealand. Not all species are dangerous, the ones that are live mainly in tropical regions. For the opertunists, it may pay to buy shares in vineger companies !!


    • gerard oosterman Says:

      As people get older many want to experience the adventures that are taken for granted by the younger ones. They go diving down or climb mountains up.

      The two elderly French tourists who tragically died, decided to go snorkelling. I assume you talk that getting stung by jellyfish that vinegar is used to relieve pain.
      There are many jellyfish that are poisonous to varying degrees.

      I am comforted by dry land and use my feet to walk around and look at birds, trees and animals.


  6. Curt Mekemson Says:

    Resting up between bouts, perhaps? As for square poop, indeed strange. I expect you to research the subject and give us an answer as to why Gerard. 🙂 Peggy is like you, always looking down when we walk in the woods. She doesn’t only spot the scat, she knows what animal left it behind. And, no, in all my years of wandering in the woods, I have never seen square poop. Please enlighten us! 🙂 –Curt

    Liked by 1 person

    • gerard oosterman Says:

      The wombat festoons his territory each night by dropping about one hundred square shaped nuggets. Some nights it might be ninety nine, next time one hundred and one.

      The square shape is to prevent the skats from rolling away from its chosen target. It doesn’t drop all one hundred in one spot. No, they stroll around picking small mounts here and there on which they squat and drop ten or so cube like skats, to warn all intruders.

      On our previous farm, the wombats decided to defend our territory as well. We were almost surrounded by dikes of wombat nuggets. They eat and defecate almost non-stop during the night.

      The kangaroo nuggets are more almond shaped but have square edges as well. They are almost totally void of any nutritional value being very good at extracting everything of food value from the greenery they consume.

      Hope this helps, Curt.


      • Curt Mekemson Says:

        Absolutely great, Gerard. As you know, I am something of a nature boy and love to learn new things about wildlife. Marking territory is an important task in the wild kingdom. This approach is new to me. And isn’t evolution amazing, creating square scat so it won’t roll away. Animals around here like to find high places and sometimes I will find scat on top of scat left by another animal in a clear message. Thanks! –Curt


      • gerard oosterman Says:

        Yes, Curt.
        When living on the farm we had a large rock that we would use to keep the farm entrance-gate propped open while driving through. You could bet your life, that each day this rock would be topped again by a wombat skat.
        Another amazing feat apart from their spectacular skill in leaving scats on top of rocks was the wombat’s skill in digging his home. Boy, can they dig.
        The previous owner had dumped an old car in one of the wombat’s holes which was dug underneath the paddocks’ fence. It resulted in the fence posts dangling in mid-air held up by the barbed wire.
        Even that did not prevent the wombats from staying put. The wombat family simply dug another giant hole just next to the dumped vehicle.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. happy go lucky Says:

    I have doubts about the claim that vinegar is not affective. Many beaches where this jellyfish poses danger have vinegar bottles available on the spot.
    Protective type wet suits are possibly better to prevent a sting in the first place. I am starting to wonder if we are at all welcome in those parts of the ocean that can also have lethal stone fish, octupus etc. Also that man eating sharks actually don’t like the taste of our flesh. The trouble with that is that you are more than likely in 3 pieces when they vomit you up !

    Liked by 1 person

    • gerard oosterman Says:

      I am not sure that when overseas tourists are advised to carry vinegar bottles with their swim gear would inspire much confidence before entering Australian waters.

      At the moment shark nets are being put into place along Australian beaches to try and avoid people getting eaten by sharks.

      I reckon jumping up and down the trampoline would be a much safer option.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Big M Says:

      Vinegar went out when Adam was a lad. The current treatment is running hot water over the site. Vinegar may cause the nemotocysts to rupture, exacerbating the sting.

      Liked by 1 person

      • gerard oosterman Says:

        I just read up on the nematocysts. Certain sea anemones too have the same barbs in which they sting their prey in order to catch it. The marvel of nature; the tropical salt water ‘Clown-fish’ darts in and out of the anemone to escape bigger fish and doesn’t get stung. The anemone protects the Clown-fish.
        From Google;
        “In order to live among the anemone, clownfish first and foremost protect themselves from nematocyst strikes. Nematocysts are harpoon-like stingers on the anemone’s tentacles used to capture prey and ward off predators. While most fish try to eat the nutrient-rich tentacles, the possibility of being stung while eating deters the clownfish from nibbling on it. In return, the anemone has evolved to not strike the clownfish.

        On the off chance the clownfish is struck, it is protected by a thick mucus layer. The mucus layer is three to four times thicker than other fish, and can be a combination of both anemone and clownfish mucus. The clownfish is born with a mucus layer that is already thicker than average, but as it grows, it can mix its mucus with that of the anemone’s to create a stronger barrier.

        In return for a safe and protective home, the clownfish benefits the anemone in several important ways. These include cleaning the anemone, providing nutrients in the form of waste, and scaring away predatory fish such as the butterfly fish.”

        Liked by 1 person

  8. happy go lucky Says:

    Oh well can’t say I didn’t try to get you to react to my ….. funny comment on shark biting us into 3 pieces. Lighten up pls.


  9. Says:

    Nature has proved time and again that “Love conquers all”.
    Great post. Thank you for sharing. :o)


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