The 3d printer and boudoir items to sulk with.


It had to come. Aldi is selling 3 Dimensional printers. Of all the quirky things that are selling in their middle isles! Last week it had self lifting toilet seats, foldable wheel chairs, a drone with spare blades, and boxes of Allen keys. The Allen keys are needed to assemble the toilet seat, the drone and wheel chair. I often notice the shopper picking up products of which their use remains totally baffling and mysterious. They proceed to look it up on the notice board to read what it actually is. Afterwards the gaze travels back to object and turn it around fondly, happy in the new-found knowledge of the totally useless product. Many then use the mobile phone to transmit the good news about this mysterious product back to a spouse or partner, possibly for approval.

Of course the real shopper buys it regardless.  They don’t care what it is.  That is the magic of clever commerce and mindless shopping. In any case, this week it is the special 3D printer. It comes with different coloured spools of what looks like very strong shark-fishing line.

I must admit that if the choice last week was between buying the self-lifting toilet seat or a drone, I would have gone for the drone. The idea of a need to be propelled upwards in an upright position after the use of the loo, fills me with dread. It seems like only yesterday I was soaking off postage stamps from my parents letters and neatly arranging them in my album. This was way back in the serenity of Holland, back in Rotterdam and the use of postal stamps. I still have the album in which I could add extra pages. The pages were held together by screws and nuts. Some of the stamps date back to the 1800’s.

In fact, I was fantasising about hovering the drone by remote control, while hiding well out of sight, menacingly over our Body Corporate ‘bad neighbour’s’ backyard, taking pictures of her while cutting down more of her garden, or worse, slashing other peoples’ gardens. I must desist.

Is the 3D printer the start of a new era as the computer or internet were experienced so many years ago? Jets are flying with components made by 3D printers and the printing of artificial limbs and body parts is becoming the norm. It is actually called ‘additive manufacturing.’ It makes replacing broken items now within the reach of everyone. I suppose I could use it to make soles for my shoes or a replacement for the broken battery holder for the remote control of the TV.

Soon our lounge room or office will store the 3D printer in addition to computer, normal printer, phone and files,  errant laptop, a cooling fan and column heater, chairs, books on computers and virus detection, boxes of discs and lonely chargers, and of course miles of cables and power extensions going in all directions. Some people have  3D printing another 3D printer as a replacement or spare.

In social situations, we will mingle around and after a couple of drinks, ask how the 3D printing is going. A brave man might well mention in a jocular fashion. ‘You are looking very nice today, Mavis.’ ‘Are you wearing your new 3D’s today?’ Mavis was known to have started a small business 3D printing lingerie with matching boudoir items to sulk with.

No doubt mobile 3D printers will come about and people will be seen crossing the street all terribly busy with the 3D printing of boxes of hot chips with 2l coke or a quick coffee. On line 3D dating will be eagerly exploited. Photos of blokes proudly showing 3D printed  additions. Girls will advertise showing 3D printed cleavages with proportionally alluring  3D printed hips.

It will come about.


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33 Responses to “The 3d printer and boudoir items to sulk with.”

  1. berlioz1935 Says:

    A 3 D printer from Aldi? What next? My daughter told me not to buy any more gadgets without her approval. Just a waste of money all those gadgets. Perhaps the younger generation is smarter than we are. On the other hand we throw out so much stuff during the last few weeks that we have space for that printer?

    Liked by 3 people

  2. gerard oosterman Says:

    I have a kind of electronic note book that I used in Bali last year. The keyboard is so hidden it only comes up when you search for it on ‘settings.’

    Then a ‘kindle’ that seem to be married to a book supplier and doesn’t accept the Amazon books on my computer kindle. They are all not used.

    Numerous phones. Chargers that are all knitted together.

    We have far too many sauce pans, especially frying sauce-pans. We have three cast iron sauce pans as well as enamelled sauce-pans. Then, non-stick sauce-pans. Don’t mention knives and forks. Enough for an entire orphanage.
    It will all end up with Father O’Reilly.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Mary Cathleen Clark Says:

    Dream it and it will happen. lol

    Liked by 1 person

  4. sedwith Says:

    And your paintings in 3D I would love to see!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Andrew Says:

    I have 30 years of stored cables and plugs Gerard. None has a device attached to it. Should I keep them in case they will work with a 3D printer?

    Liked by 1 person

    • gerard oosterman Says:

      So glad to hera from you, Andrew. Are you lying low behind the lichens or what?
      The cables and plugs move around in the drawer. My gransons have devices and ask me for chargers because they loose them.
      No matter how many chargers I have, none fit their devices.
      It is all so difficult.
      The 3 D printers at Aldi’s all sold within one day. Is there a revolution coming?
      Could wars be fought between 3D printed soldiers instead? Fighter jets already are 3D printed.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Big M Says:

    Love the painting, Gerard, I envy people who can paint, draw, or even do stick figures.

    Yes, Aldi’ s has become a lottery like, club keno, where one can gamble and win or lose. We aren’t great Aldi fans, but Mrs M has picked up some cheap noise cancelling headphones, and a good chainsaw sharpener. I guess small things affect small minds.

    As for three dee. I can’t believe it, except I was reading that a small Melbourne company custom built a sternum and about a third of a rib cage for a bloke in Italy, all on line and out of titanium.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. nonsmokingladybug Says:

    Gosh I love Aldi. I can’t wait for a 3-D printer. It would be such a big help in my workroom when I restore furniture. That would be such a big plus.

    The flight to Australia might not be a bargain 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • gerard oosterman Says:

      Yes, plenty people use them for repair jobs. Like making new knobs for the oven or dishwasher. I don’t really know much about them. They are making inroads into the world of consumers.
      Restoring furniture? That sounds really interesting. We had our old kitchen chairs seats re-woven some years ago. It took a long time to find someone who could do it to the original cross pattern. We have eleven of those very old chairs.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. petspeopleandlife Says:

    The Aldo store in my town, is a mere fraction of “your” Aldi. There is nothing fancy about the store and it is not stocked with much more than inferior produce. I have been in the Aldi twice and I didn’t like the store at all. But your store sounds like a virtual shopping mall.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Julia Lund Says:

    I was in Aldi yesterday and comments on how many things there are that I didn’t know I needed. We haven’t had 3D printers yet, though. Perhaps I could print off a clone of myself and send it to all the places I’d rather not be …

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Curt Mekemson Says:

    “On line 3D dating will be eagerly exploited” Or maybe, Gerard, you will just print up the girl or guy of your dreams… 🙂 –Curt

    Liked by 1 person

  11. gerard oosterman Says:

    I have the genuine one already. I think you might too, Curt. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  12. shoreacres Says:

    Oh, phooey. 3D printing is so yesterday. The scientists now have added a fourth dimension, time, and are busily printing up things like 4D flowers that open when placed in water. That’s something I could go for — although I’m still rather fond of the real thing.

    My mom used to shop at Aldi’s in Kansas City. It was purely a grocery store there, too, with the same bad produce that Yvonne mentioned. I only learned recently that Aldi’s and Trader Joe’s are the same company. It may be that our TJs is your Aldis.

    As for devices, I’ve been pondering. I have a flip phone, a Kindle, and a camera that require charging. And I have precisely three chargers. It doesn’t work for everyone, but a Thoreau-like approach to gadgetry can be pretty satisfying.

    Liked by 1 person

    • gerard oosterman Says:

      Very nice Linda,
      Perhaps soldiers in 4D printed form which dissolve in Gladioli when immersed in gun powder or exposed to explosive devises would be a goer.
      I have more chargers in the drawers now than tea-spoons.


  13. Big M Says:

    Will Aldi sell these, Gez:

    Liked by 1 person

  14. kaytisweetlandrasmussen83 Says:

    I barely do 3-D let alone 4. Your Aldi is our
    Trader Joe’s though your seems to offer more than 2 Buck Chuck and food.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. gerard oosterman Says:

    The Aldi here is hugely successful, killing the much bigger rivals. Not least because they charge a refundable deposit on the inter-locking trolleys.

    Liked by 2 people

  16. hilarycustancegreen Says:

    Aargh! I’m sure you are right. In our post office the other day I watched the post-mistress turn over a stamp and cover the back with Prittstick glue. I asked why, and she said otherwise she’d have to lick it. Just to the right of her hand was a little pad with a sponge, which in the old days would have been damp for just this purpose. Baffled, I let her get on with it.

    Liked by 1 person

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