
bali is asamzing now as it was twenty years ago, when we first visited. We always felt happy. It seems that happiness is contagious . Being amongst happy cheerful people is uplifting. That sounds somewhat trite and but it it true. Yet, Indonesia is still poor. Australia is rich but laughter is absent. How do we explain!t this anomaly. I will now post this asBalihas a very shakyWiFi, one more reason for all the smiles and laughter. Hope this gets posted.

24 Responses to “Bali”

  1. Yvonne Says:

    Yes, it just came through.

    I’m happy for you and Helvi …


  2. berlioz1935 Says:

    Thanks for sharing the happy mood you are experiencing. Recharge your batteries.


  3. 8 Degrees of Latitude Says:

    You made it, despite the iffy Internet. Bali is a lovely place.


  4. petspeopleandlife Says:

    I’m so glad that you and Helvi are having a nice time. A simple life such as that in Bali is more conducive to happiness. One learns to be content with less and it seems that also gives one fewer responsibilities-thus time to enjoy life and to live in the moment. Some cultures don’t have access to modern day trappings and don’t mind not having what we think is necessary to have a good life.

    I grew up poor and my folks laughed in those days of struggle but maybe laughing was better than moaning and crying about what was lacking. I’m not nearly as happy as my folks even though I have a so-called comfortable life. To be honest, I seldom laugh but I smile so maybe I’m happy and don’t know it. 🙂

    A short thought provoking post, Gerard.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. bkpyett Says:

    So pleased you are enjoying happiness in Bali. Yes, I agree, happiness is contagious. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  6. M-R Says:

    I’m happy you didn’t go for that spurious “don’t go to Bali” thing: the little place had nothing to do with Jokowi’s revenge.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Andrew Says:

    Make the most of it Gerard. I have not been to Bali but many friends have and some have homes there. I think off the main tourist trail there is much to enjoy but in case of need you can probably still find a Fosters.


  8. Lonia Scholvinck Says:

    Wat heerlijk, dat jullie zo kunnen genieten, ben blij!


  9. Patti Kuche Says:

    Love your shaky WiFi Gerard, sounds like so much fun!


  10. Master of Something Yet Says:

    I got a bit behind on your life story posts so I’m saving those for the school holidays and thought I’d just jump on board your Bali sojourn in the meantime. Looking forward to it, shaky wifi and all. Haven’t been myself. 🙂


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